Frequently Asked Questions
Location of the hunting area: Our hunting area encompasses all of zone 75 in northern Saskatchewan. The total number of acres hunted: Our hunting area covers about 9 million acres, but we hunt an area of about 3-4 million acres. Airport: Saskatoon is the closest international airport to us. It is approximately 8 hrs from our camp. Airport pickup: We do not offer airport pickup as the time and cost would be more than the price of a rental vehicle. Rental vehicles: Rental vehicles need to be 4X4 because a significant portion of the trip is on a rock road. We suggest an all wheel drive SUV or 4X4 pickup with good tires. An extra spare is a good idea. Stands: Our stands are a metal 2ft by 3ft home built locally on stand. The seats are the same design and can be adjusted easily for height and angle of the shooter. We also use some ground blinds as well. Safety belts / padded seats: We do not supply safety belts or padded seats as they tend to be left behind for the bears to eat. Hunter orange: Yes hunter orange is required for rifle hunting along with an orange hat. Archery, muzzleloaders, and crossbow hunters can wear camo. Clothing Recommendations: A rain suit is a must, along with gloves and clear safety glasses, and sun glasses for the day. As the temperature can swing a long way during the day, we recommend layering your clothing. Making sure you have something warm for the ride back to camp at night. Recommended foot wear: Knee high rubber boots or a hiking boot work very well. We do recommend a pair of slip on shoe for in the cabin. What temperature to expect: Temperatures can swing a long way in northern saskatchewan. Late ice on the lakes will cool things down big time for the nights. Temperatures can range from 20 and snow up to 85 in the day. That's why we suggest layering your clothing. Is bear spray recommended: If you feel that you need it, then bring it. I do not think you can cross the border with it. So you would need to buy it in Saskatoon and then leave it behind. We have never really found a need for it. What weapons are allowed in camp: Archery, shot gun , Rifle, muzzleloader, crossbow and long bow are all welcome. Our baits are set for archery hunters as they make up the bulk of our clients. Can a muzzleloader have a scope: Yes Archery requirements: Bows must have a draw weight of 40lbs or more and broad heads cannot be less than 7/8 inch. Expandable broad heads do not work well on bears. For that reason we do not allow them in camp. Cross bow requirements: Crossbows must have a draw weight of no less than 150lbs. Rifle requirements: It is necessary to encase all firearms when riding on an ATV. So a soft case for traveling into the woods is required. IT IS UNLAWFUL to hunt with any cartridge with an empty cartridge case length of less than 32mm. This includes most hand gun cartridges of .17 caliber or less, or any of the following cartridges: .22 Hornet, .22 K-hornet, .218 Bee, .25-20 Winchester, .30 carbine, .32-20 Winchester, .357 magnum, .44-40 Winchester or .45 Colt. Also no full metal jacketed, hard point or non-expanding bullets are allowed. Pistols: PISTOLS ARE PROHIBITED IN CANADA ! What is the cost to bring a non-hunting, significant other or a camera man: Because we have to set up and take down our camp, we have limited space. Advance notice is required if you wish to bring someone along. Non-hunting guest staying at camp is $666.00. Non-hunting guest accompanying a hunter to the stand is $1388.00. Licenses: Each hunter has to apply for a Hunter and Angler license identification number. This number allows you to purchase your licenses. We put you in contact with our license vender, where you can pay with a credit card. Once the license is purchased we will pick it up and have it at camp for you when you arrive. We usually start buying licenses on April 15 just before the spring hunt and like to have all the licenses purchased no later than May 15. License Fee: A non-resident black bear license will be approximately $380. Is a permit required to bring firearms across the border: Yes a permit is required. It can be downloaded from the Canadian firearm centre. ( The cost is around $75. Recommended to do with hide: You can drop it off at a taxidermist or take it home. By Federal law the bear hide has to accompany the license holder across the border. They cannot be shipped back. A taxidermist can apply for the proper permits to ship it to you once its complete. We suggest you take it back with you. We can recommend several good taxidermists in the USA. We do not work with any taxidermists in Saskatchewan, but can refer you to one. Due to limited freezer space we need you to drop it off at a taxidermist rather than leaving it for us to drop off. Typical bear size: The body size of our bears are smaller in this area that we hunt. The reason is due to the lack of food which stunts their growth when they are young. So the bears that we harvest may be smaller in body size, but are older bears with large heads and an average weight between 200 and 250 lbs. We do harvest bears each year that will weigh 400 lbs plus. Approximate success rate: Our camp will have around 75% success rate on the low end. Keep in mind that we have some very selective clients who have hunted with us for more than 10 years and have harvested different color phases and sizes. How many bears can a client expect to see: We have had some clients see as many as 20-30 bears in a night but also have had some clients that don't see any bears some nights. You have to be pretty unlucky to not have an opportunity in the course of your hunt. Mosquitoes: We recommend bug spray for your time at camp for mosquitoes and black flies, and head nets and thermal cells for use in the tree stand. Hunter education: All first time hunters must have proof of a firearms safety course. Youth hunters: Youth ages 12-15 must be under the direct supervision of an adult who is 18 years or older. Youth ages 12-15 must have a parent or guardian complete the consent portion of the Saskatchewan hunting license. Is fishing allowed: Fishing is allowed. But we do not have fishing rights for outfitting on these bodies of water at or near the outpost camps. Therefore we cannot assist or charge for fishing. Wading, casting from shore or bringing your own water craft is allowed. Clients will still need to follow regulations and limits. Fishing gear: As we are not allowed to assist with the fish, we do not supply fishing gear to the clients. Bait casting rod and reel set ups are great. But spinning reels will work just fine. Super lines in 20-30lb test are recommended, along with steel leaders 6-8 inches long. Jigs, jerk baits, rattle traps, and spoons will catch most species of fish. Lake trout like blue color baits, pike will bite almost any color, and the walleye will love jigs and rattle traps of all sorts and colors. Species of fish you can catch: Pike, Walleye, Lake Trout, Grayling, Lake Whitefish, Yellow Perch, and Burbot. Camp amenities: We have freezers at camp, along with all the cooking and eating utensils. Each unit has a wood stove for heat, a propane stove for cooking and a gas grill. A portable shower and an outdoor toilet round it out. Camp is powered by a generator that runs all night and during the day as necessary. Not included: We do not supply any beverages (water, pop, juice, beer, etc). You must bring your own food and condiments. Being so remote makes it tough to keep up with supplies because we may not travel to civilization for several weeks. If you arrive at camp and have forgotten something we may be able to help you out. But we do not stock anything. Meals: We do not provide meals. We do not supply any beverages (water, pop, juice, beer, etc). You must bring your own food and condiments. Since we are so remote it makes it very difficult for us to keep up with supplies, since we may not travel to civilization for several weeks. If you arrive at camp and have forgotten something we may be able to help you out. But we do not stock anything. Alcohol allowed at camp: Yes we do allow social drinking at camp after hunting hours. We will not tolerate intoxication while hunting or disrespecting other guests or camp staff. Smoking at camp: Smoking is allowed but not in or near any of the buildings. We comply with the Saskatchewan Tobacco Control Act. No Smoking is allowed on the quads or at the tree stands. This is because of the risk of starting a forest fire. |
Saskatchewan Bear Hunting Home
© Copyright 2021 Gerald Dodd